Thursday, December 18, 2008

Second current event for dec. 19th

Here is my second current event for this week:

Article: "Humanitarian Effort Sidelined for the Holidays and Beyond by Challenge from Apple Inc."

Here is the link:

Current Event

This article talks about a company that has come up with a video game, Glupod, that will help with global warming, world hunger, and endangered species. The video game gives the player the option to give their winnings to these causes. Apple has sued the company because they claim that the use of "pod" is against their trademark. Something Inc., the Glupod game company, is extremely surprised that apple would take such "hard-line" action toward something that could do so much good.

I think that the use of "pod" is definitely not the big deal here. Not very many people are going to confuse Glupod with iPod. Apple does have a good reason for this though. They feel that their TM is being violated . Apple stock will probably go down becuase of this but I am not sure.

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