Monday, December 15, 2008

Current Event for 12/15

My article, "Dollar falls on auto bailout stall"
By: Julianne Pepitone

The article is from and here is the link:

Current Event

This article is about how the dollar has fallen agian today against other currencies partly because of the auto bailout and how it has come to an almost complete stop. The dollar is now worth wuite a bit less than it has been worth during previous years compared to the foreign currency. Concern about what will happen if the automakers are not bailed out has been talked about and is a scary spot. The article says that this hit us at the wrong time and it is exposing us as an economy.

I think that this article is very true and that the auto bailout needs to go through. People will lose many jobs and our economy will tank even more if this does not go through.

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