Friday, December 5, 2008

Current Event

Here is my current event for Dec. 5:

Article: "A slow and steady investing strategy"

Link: from

Current Event

In this article the author talks about how investing during the 1966 to 1982. They say that the numbers show long term investing yielded about 1% more than quick buy and sell strategies. People who stuck it out actually made more money in that period than people that bought stocks and sold when the outlook was bad. People were acting the same way they are now. Buying and selling without any patience. They were losing money faster than they were gaining. Investing is only profitable when you know what you are doing and you wait for a bounce in the long term.

I think that this article is true. People should be patient in this economy. Long term investing is a big deal and probably is the best way to make money and stick it out in this day and age.

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