Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fun Event Nov. 20th

Here is my second current event for Nov. 20th

Article, "Local Ladies save money by becoming 'handywomen'"
by TaRhonda Thomas

From Here is the link:

Current Event

In this article, the author talks about a local business run by Judy Browne. The business is classes for women. What the classes are on is what the article focuses on. The class teaches people about tasks around the house and car that some people call in a handyman for. Browne offers 12 different classes on different aspects of repair. With the economy the way it is, people are looking for ways to save money and browne says that the past three months have probably been the best in the time since she started out in 2005. People come in hoping to save money on home repairs by doing it themselves. Browne's classes range in cost from $55 to $150. The complexity and content of the class changes throughout the class types.

I find this to be inspiring because it shows that someone is taking initiative during this hard time and teaching others to repair their home, and to essentially save money. Browne learned most of what she knows form a construction site of a house. She says that that is a very intimidating place for a woman and is now taking that intimidation and toning it way down by teaching small groups of women.

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