Monday, November 2, 2009


Alright, so it's almost that time of year again where we get to go and play bball. i love it, and i think we'll do good this year too cause we got 7 seniors. we're gonna dominate

Friday, January 9, 2009

fun current event

Here is my second current event for 1-9-09:

Article, "Last Fan Sitting Nabs 15-Years Worth Of Wake Tickets"

Current Event

In this article the author explains the story of Bob Yakos, who outlasted 23 other very dedicated Wake Forest fans to win 15 years worth of season tickets for the football team, about $22,000 worth. He outlasted the other fans for three days and then won a three round trivia contest about the 2008 season. Yakos won the contest over nine other fans that outlasted the elements. This is all a part of Wake Forest's campaign to sell licenses and season tickets and increase fan morale.

I think this is cool that he is dedicated enough to sit out in snow and sleet for three days to win season tickets for him, his kids, and some of his closest family members.

Econ. Current event for 1-9-08

Here is my article for this week:

Article, "Total 2008 job loss: 2.6 million"

By, David Goldman

Current Event

In this article the author talks about the government's annual report on job loss and unemployment. December was on of the worse months for job loss in the US. 524,000 jobs were lost in this month bringing the grand total of lost jobs to 2.6 million. This is the highest job loss in the United States since 1945, the end of World War II. the unemployment rate in the US also increased to record numbers, but it is only the highest since 1993. After the credit crisis began in September, 1.9 million of the jobs lost were lost in the final four months of the year. November's job loss was increased to 584,000 from 533,000, and October was increased up by 103,000 to 423,000. Converting from full-time to part-time was one of the worst things this year. Jumped by 715,000 people to 8 million, part time jobs became the staple because people couldn't find a full time job. The under-employment rate, which counts part-time workers as well as those without jobs that stopped looking for work, rose to a record 13.5% from 12.6%. Calculations for this began in January 1994. Employment and unemployment rates do not reflect those people that lost their good, high paying, jobs and then had to go and work for someone like Wal-Mart or Wendy's. Only two of ten industry categories were hiring in December, all others were cutting and laying off. Health and government industries added a few thousand jobs in December. Obama is really pushing to try and get his stimulus plan approved and create those 3 million jobs.

I think that this article is very informative about what went on last year as far as jobs. unemployment was terribly high this previous year and i think that we as a country need to follow Obama's plan for the roads and jobs to see if it can help us in 2009 and beyond.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Second current event for dec. 19th

Here is my second current event for this week:

Article: "Humanitarian Effort Sidelined for the Holidays and Beyond by Challenge from Apple Inc."

Here is the link:

Current Event

This article talks about a company that has come up with a video game, Glupod, that will help with global warming, world hunger, and endangered species. The video game gives the player the option to give their winnings to these causes. Apple has sued the company because they claim that the use of "pod" is against their trademark. Something Inc., the Glupod game company, is extremely surprised that apple would take such "hard-line" action toward something that could do so much good.

I think that the use of "pod" is definitely not the big deal here. Not very many people are going to confuse Glupod with iPod. Apple does have a good reason for this though. They feel that their TM is being violated . Apple stock will probably go down becuase of this but I am not sure.

Current event for Dec 19th

Here is my current event for this week :

Article: "You Tube Finally Makes Its Way to Google Maps"

Here is the link:

Current Event

This article talks about Google making another advancement in hard times by adding YouTube to Google maps. There is now a link in Google maps where you can go and check video and it will show you YouTube videos of the area that you are looking at. The article tells you how to use this new feature. This is an entirely new level of advancement from Google. If they keep expanding they may rule the Internet and then the world.

I think that Google is a great company and is not holding back on practical advancements and conveniences because of these hard times and the recession. They continue to expand and make people happy with new and easier ways to use and navigate the internet and their programs. Google's stock will most likely go up because of this advancement.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Current Event for 12/15

My article, "Dollar falls on auto bailout stall"
By: Julianne Pepitone

The article is from and here is the link:

Current Event

This article is about how the dollar has fallen agian today against other currencies partly because of the auto bailout and how it has come to an almost complete stop. The dollar is now worth wuite a bit less than it has been worth during previous years compared to the foreign currency. Concern about what will happen if the automakers are not bailed out has been talked about and is a scary spot. The article says that this hit us at the wrong time and it is exposing us as an economy.

I think that this article is very true and that the auto bailout needs to go through. People will lose many jobs and our economy will tank even more if this does not go through.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Current Event

Here is my current event for Dec. 5:

Article: "A slow and steady investing strategy"

Link: from

Current Event

In this article the author talks about how investing during the 1966 to 1982. They say that the numbers show long term investing yielded about 1% more than quick buy and sell strategies. People who stuck it out actually made more money in that period than people that bought stocks and sold when the outlook was bad. People were acting the same way they are now. Buying and selling without any patience. They were losing money faster than they were gaining. Investing is only profitable when you know what you are doing and you wait for a bounce in the long term.

I think that this article is true. People should be patient in this economy. Long term investing is a big deal and probably is the best way to make money and stick it out in this day and age.