Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bobby Donelson

Bobby died yesterday from cardiac arrest. This hit the school and everyone in it very hard. Bobby was a kid that always knew how to lighten the mood in a serious situation. He always lit up a room when he walked in. Even though I, personally, didn't know him as well as I would have liked to, he is still in my heart. My prayers go out to the Donelson Family and Chris. I know it may not seem like it now, but he is in a better place and God had this plan for him long before it actually happened. None of us here may know why, but it was definitely meant to be and he is in better hands.

We already miss you Bobby.
Good luck up there and have fun in God's presence.

1 comment:

charliesshannon said...

We love you my son! Love Mom, Dad & chris